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Image by Esteban Lopez


Our league is a great way for you to put all the skills you are learning into action.  

Pocket Queens League

League Dates: 01/01/25 - 12/31/25  

(*Your points begin accumulating the day you join Pocket Queens.  They will NOT be awarded retroactively)

We have made a few changes this year to ensure fairness / equitability for all members, from newbies to seasoned pros.

This year we will have FOUR separate leagues...


  • LIVE LeagueYou will earn points based on ALL LIVE MTT finishes 


  • QQ Online Monthly NLHE LeagueEarn points by participating in our 12 monthly online NLHE MTTs. These tournaments are generally scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM PST. However, scheduling may be adjusted based on guest speaker availability or to enhance the overall experience for our players.


  • QQ Online Mixed Games LeagueEarn points by participating in our weekly online Mixed Games MTTs. These tournaments are generally scheduled every Tuesday 5:00 PM PST. However, scheduling may be adjusted to enhance the overall experience for our players. 


  • QQ Online Heads Up LeagueEarn points by participating in our weekly online Heads Up battles. These games are generally scheduled every Tuesday 2:30 PM PST. However, scheduling may be adjusted to enhance the overall experience for our players.


At the end of the year we will award prizes generously provided by Victoria Livschitz and Pocket Queens. (Details below)


       LIVE League

Live MTT must have at least 32 runners to qualify. Satellites, freerolls & charity events are excluded.  

You MUST fill out the Google form
HERE in order for your points to be calculated and accepted into the league.  Please remember to provide proof of your result... this can be done by taking a photo of the results sheet in an unranked tournament. Or any method that will show YOUR NAME, the # of runners and your payout. There will be a place to upload photos/docs in the submission form.  We will NOT include your points if you do not fill out the form for EACH live cash.


QQ Online Leagues

These are ONLY open to members of Pocket Queens. Instructions on how to join will be posted in the relevant Discord channels.


How points are calculated:

LIVE League:
We will model our QQ League points system after the PGT Points System: Leaderboard points are awarded for in-the-money finishes in qualifying poker tournaments. We will calculate all cashes using four tiers correlating to buy-in amounts:


  • 0.10 points per dollar cashed in $1 to $399 buy-in events

  • 0.06 points per dollar cashed in $400 to $999 buy-in events

  • 0.03 points per dollar cashed in $1,000 to $3,499 buy-in events

  • 0.01 points per dollar cashed in $3,500+ buy-in events


​Nan Min will be in charge of updating the scores. You can find the to those results posted in Discord

QQ Online Leagues:   

PokerStars will automatically tally points.  Yearly totals can be found on the app for each league.


Club GG will automatically tally points for a 3-month period.  Yearly totals can be found on Discord.





Pocket Queens League:

  • Top 3 point leaders will each receive $1,000 towards an MTT of their choice to be used within 1 year of receipt generously provided by Victoria Livschitz

  • Top 10 point leaders will each receive Pocket Queens swag   


NLHE Online League:

  • Each month our top 2 finalists will receive a one month subscription to GTO Wizard*

  • At the end of the year our top 3 point earners will receive the following:**

    • 1st Place - $300

    • 2nd Place - $200 

    • 3rd Place - $100


Mixed Games Online League:

  • At the end of the year our top 3 point earners will receive the following:**

    • 1st Place - $300

    • 2nd Place - $200 

    • 3rd Place - $100


Heads Up Online League:

  • Each month our HU winner will receive a one month subscription to GTO Wizard*

  • At the end of the year our top point earner will receive a $300 prize**


* Thank you to GTO Wizard for providing these subscriptions

** Thank you to all of our donors for helping Pocket Queens provide these prizes


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